Pours dark as night and opaque. Surprisingly devoid of foam on the pour. Mocha ring around the edges. Said ring leaves nice, thick lacing, most of which crawls back to level, the rest clings to the sides of the glass.
Aroma has an initial pleasantness of bourbon barrel: rich brown sugar, bourbon, char, chocolate, vanilla and oak. Lactose from the marshmallow rises and mixes nicely with chocolate.
Taste carries the lactose, brown sugar, and chocolate from the aroma. Lingering, softly bitter chocolate bites in the finish. Bourbon booze hits the palate sporadically and late.
Body is on the light side for the style; easy to say it is thin. Carbonation is light too.
Beer must have a very low finishing gravity based on the thinness of the mouthfeel. The taste isn't as solid as the aroma, which is the star of the beer. The lack of foam on a rigorous pour leaves me wanting from the beginning. This is a nice beer that has a few issues. I would definitely have it again but wouldn't seek it out. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Monday, January 20, 2020 at 19:30:16
Tasted: Monday, January 20, 2020
$14.99 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 795 ratings
Beer Notes
Aged in Woodford Reserve double oaked bourbon barrels. Collaboration with Rocky Reef Brewery.