Pours an opaque black color with a hint of ruby red around the edges of the glass. The pour produces a quarter inch tan head that quickly settles out leaving a thin layer of foam resting on top. Some sticky lacing is present.
The aroma is rich with dark roasted malts, bitter chocolate, and coffee. A very pleasing aroma.
The taste is similar to the aroma with big roasted malts and bitter chocolate and coffee. Finishes with a dark bitter coffee flavor and a touch of hops.
Light to medium body with a medium to high carbonation for this style. The carbonation has a sharpness that cuts through the creamy mouth feel leaving a tingling feeling on the tongue. A lighter body stout than I was expecting.
An easy drinking beer with a nice aroma and tasty dark flavors. The lighter body of this stout makes it very drinkable. An enjoyable beer! Try one!
Poured clear with a nice tan, two finger foam. Lacing wasn't that great as it quickly became a thin covering on the top of the beer. Lacing was blotchy.
Aroma has big roasted malt. Some chocolate with a hint of hops. Very pleasant.
Roasted, chocolate, and coffee flavors combine from the middle to the end. After taste has a little bit of coffee and bitterness. The beginning is very light and watery.
Light carbonation and light body don't do this good sniffer any justice.
You could drink this all day because it is so light. Not much of a body on a stout. I expected more. Enjoy!
"One of the hallmarks of the baby boomer generation is that it doesn't live like the previous generation. It hasn't yet given up jeans and T-shirts or beer." - Ron Klugman, SVP, Coors Brewing