Pours a clear amber color with a thick sticky layer of frothy white head. The head settles out leaving a thin swirl of foam resting on top. Nice lacing.
The aroma is rich in pine and citrus grapefruit. A sweetness with a caramel malt back end.
The taste starts sweet with nice caramel malt flavor that works into a nice blend of hops. Pine, citrus, grapefruit are all present and balance out the sweetness in the hops perfectly.
Medium body with medium carbonation. Creamy and slightly oily mouth feel.
Overall, this is an impressive beer! Two Brothers shows some serious talent with this one. Very drinkable and refreshing with an amazing balance! Put this one on your must try list!
A: Copper hued amber, clear. Full, delicate off-white head with slightly sticky lacing.
S: Very rich tree fruits and pine with some tropical and grapefruit notes in the background. More towards West Coast style of the large fruit/pine/floral melody, that's definatly enticing to me.
T: No disappointment here. Initial taste completely matches the aroma. First is fruit sweet malt than offsetting hoppiness. Very little hop bite for 100 ibus. And the alcohol level of 9.9 abv is really hidden
D: Well balanced in the hallmark of all great beer, and Hop Juice is a demonstration of the outstanding results achieved with balance. It's almost dangerously drinkable. Forget about all those descriptions of big hop brews being bruising and causing havoc with your taste buds....Hop Juice is not rude. I most like how well the hop flavors are mingled with the softly toasty caramel, not to say it's overly malt sweet. I'm not sure how difficult it is to obtain, but if you love DIPAs you must have this brew. Totally runs with the W Coast Big Dogs, and beats a few.
Poured clear with more off-white, frothy, thick foam than you can shake a stick at. Retention was okay as it retreated rather quickly for the amount of foam. Nice lacing. Sure is purty in the glass.
Aroma is a citrus lair of bliss. Grapefruit and some floral notes in the end. The hop aromas are subtle but the overwhelming aroma of the beer.
Taste of sweet, caramel malt up front. The malt backbone is throughout to balance the hops. The hops come on big in the middle throughout the end and even into the aftertaste. Not huge though, like in some double ipas. A beautiful balance of hops within the confines of the malt. Hops are citrus, grapefruit, and floral. Nice blend.
Big body and medium carbonation along with the flavors work in unison to almost make you believe this isn't a double ipa. Damn smooth.
A little different than some double ipas as the hops isn't over the top or the basis of the beer. Well balanced with a good after taste that doesn't ruin the taste buds. An awesome beer that adds its own dynamic of "super" balancing. Enjoy!