Snorkel Squad - Hop Butcher For The World

Snorkel Squad

Write a Beer Review

Overall: 9.00/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 9.00/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American IPA - New England (NEIPA)

ABV: 6.50%

Season: Occasional

Have Another: 100%

1,470 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 9.00/10 have another
  • A: 9.4 | T: 9.1 | L: 9.1 | M: 7.2 | O: 9.2
  • Color: Gold
  • Poured from a can purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe. Date on can is smudge but purchased on release date nine days ago.

    Pours cloudy with an inch of white foam. Retention and lacing are a bit lacking.

    Aroma of bright red grapefruit pith and sweet orange leaps into the sense. Later, earth and mango become more central.

    Taste is sweet orange, mango and red grapefruit. The red grapefruit leaves a bit of bitterness in the finish.

    Light end of medium body and medium carbonation. Juicy upon sip, drying later. Smooth with minimal bitterness.

    The body is bit thin and takes away from the overall feel of the beer. The initial burst of sweet orange and red grapefruit is great on the senses. Minimal bitterness and juicy finish leaves for a smooth beer. Enjoy!
  • 771 characters
  • Reviewed: Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 14:28:24
  • Tasted: Sunday, June 28, 2020
  • $4.49 for 16 oz. can
  • (4.221)
    over 8,069 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $4.49, 1 serving(s), 16 oz. cans
Beer Swapping
  • Citra, Citra Cryo