Pours opaque with almost a finger of mocha foam. Foam quickly retreats. Spotty and sporadic lacing that mostly dissipates.
Aroma jumps out of the can and pour. Chocolate is huge; sweet, milk chocolate. Very, very sweet. Some roast but only hinted as is the peanut butter.
Taste is a copy of the nose. Big chocolate, sweet milk, roast, and some peanuts round it out. Certain sips give the sense the idea of flavored coffee due to the blend and intensity of the cocoa.
Big body with light carbonation, which fits the beer well.
Well blended as there are the adjunct aromas and flavors but the base beer comes through. I would have this again but I would want to share with someone else as a can of this is a bit much, which also affects the overall drinkability of the beer.
822 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 17:12:56
Tasted: Tuesday, August 25, 2020
$0.00 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 1,143 ratings
Beer Notes
Imperial Porter brewed with Roasted Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Mexican cacao, Milk Sugar & Caramel, in collaboration with our friends at Smallcakes Aurora.