Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2020-10-01. Date on bottle: 09/08/20.
Pours opaque with a beautiful tan foam. Solid retention. Lacing creates a nice layer of tan foam around the edges.
Aroma of roasted coffee jumps out of the bottle upon flipping the crown. It is a roast from the grains, not the coffee. Together they are fantastic. Dark chocolate and burnt caramel enter the fray upon deeper inspection.
Taste is a roast, dark caramel (is that toffee? - seems lighter than toffee), dark chocolate, and coffee. A well balanced stout without the heavy finish. Coffee and roast with smoke/ash in the end that lingers.
Light end of the spectrum for a stout but that make it drinkable. Fairly stiff carbonation. Dry. Coffee and roast lingers. The carbonation and coffee tends to leave a metallic taste in my mouth. Is this possibly how I perceive cigarette ash?
I haven't had a beer from Maine brewing for a long time. Brings back nostalgia of my trading days. Fall is solid offering but has that metallic taste in the end that lingers on my teeth. Could be just my perception. I would buy this again. Enjoy!
1,134 characters
Reviewed: Friday, October 02, 2020 at 16:33:56
Tasted: Friday, October 02, 2020
$7.99 for 500 ml bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 26,082 ratings
Beer Notes
Flavors of dark chocolate and Coffee with notes of coconut, cedar, citrus and blueberries. Brewed with Ethiopian cold brew from our neighbors at Coffee By Design