Bananagram - Hop Butcher For The World


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Overall: 5.11/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 5.11/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American Imperial Stout

ABV: 10.50%

Season: Occasional

Have Another: 0%

  • 5.11/10 have another
  • A: 5.6 | T: 3.8 | L: 8.8 | M: 7.2 | O: 5.0
  • Color: Black
  • Poured from a can shared at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2021-02-18. Date on can of 2021-02-17.

    Pours opaque with a half finger of tan foam.

    The aroma and taste are full of banana. If you don't love banana, you might have a tough time here. There is a roast, ash, and banana flavor that lingers in the finish, making it hard to stomach.

    Fortunately my main man at Flight shared a can with me prior to me purchasing a can. I appreciate him saving me five bucks.
  • 462 characters
  • Reviewed: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 16:53:31
  • Tasted: Thursday, February 18, 2021
  • $4.99 for 16 oz. can
  • (4.183)
    over 1,952 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $4.99, 1 serving(s), 16 oz. cans
Beer Swapping
  • Warrior