Poured clear as I can tell since it is so dark. Had an inch of beautiful, big, brown foam. Retained that head for a good bit so I could enjoy it. Awesome lacing throughout.
Aroma is chocolate and roasted malt. Milk/cream add to make the sniffer want to have a chocolate shake. Slight bitter coffee scents too.
Taste is sweet with milk/creaminess up front with chocolate and roasted malt in the middle. The finish seems to bring more chocolate and cream while the very end if coffee and some bitterness. The coffee and bitterness continue into the after taste.
Medium carbonation and a big end of light body. It is not watery. Extremely drinkable stout.
I could drink this beer all night. It is a nice balance between flavors and body. Usually beers need more body to pack so much taste. Can't wait to have another. Enjoy!