Gonzo Imperial Porter - Flying Dog Brewery

Gonzo Imperial Porter

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Overall: 8.85/10 by 2 dudes

Standard Deviation: 0.09 or 1.02%

Trend: 8.85/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American Porter

ABV: 7.80%

IBU: 85

Season: Yearly

Have Another: 100%

370 beers rated with a 7.94 average
  • 8.94/10 have another
  • A: 9.0 | T: 9.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • sDev: 1.02% Color: Deep Brown
  • A: Deep, deep brown that's tough to see through. Surprisingly thick foam that's light brown in color.

    S: Dark dried fruits and toffee.

    T: Rich and dark fruity, with very moderate sweetness. Then there's a toffee and toast, that I really like. And the finish In awesome dryness and a kiss of alcohol.

    O: Really, great beer from Flying Dog. I kind of forget about these guys, but very solid beers. This brew is a very restrained version of the style, that's meant as a total compliment.
  • 489 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 21:34:59
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 28, 2013
  • $5.99 for 12 oz. bottle
1,470 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.76/10 have another
  • A: 9.0 | T: 9.0 | L: 10.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • sDev: 1.02% Color: Black
  • Pours opaque and almost looks like a stout coming out of the bottle. Foam is creamy, brown, almost mocha, and delicious looking. Retention is really good while the lacing is thick in spots, sticky, yet not sticky.

    Aroma is a fight between malt and the hops. Citrus hops great the nose almost immediately while roasted malt and a milk chocolate scent a close behind. Sweet, maybe caramel, with some bitter coffee.

    Taste starts sweet and then the middle begins the big roasted malt build up through the end. The finish is bitter (coffee and/or hops) with chocolate and coffee showing their faces nicely. Dark fruits and a burn of alcohol are both present in small doses.

    A big beer in the mouth with an average amount of carbonation. A bit of creaminess on the lips as you sip.

    A very borderline porter/stout. Does that bother me? No. A really good beer that is complex and thick. Should be appreciated slowly and fully. Enjoy!
  • 943 characters
  • Reviewed: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 21:32:05
  • Tasted: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • $2.00 for 12 oz. bottle
  • (3.806)
    over 68,162 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $4.00, 2 serving(s), 12 oz. bottles
Beer Swapping
  • G.W. 120L Crystal, Chocolate, Black
  • Warrior, Northern Brewer, Cascade