Pours a dark ruby brown color with a big tan frothy head. Good retention on the head. Plenty of nice lacing on this beer.
Aroma is simple and straight forward. Coffee is pretty much all I am getting. Reminds me of the aromas that you get when cleaning out the coffee filter, strong, slightly bitter coffee aromas.
Taste is big and bold in the coffee flavors. My parents had a coffee percolator when I was a kid. The coffee flavors in this beer remind me of that style coffee. I guess that explains the name! Fairly sweet from start to finish.
Light body with light carbonation. Creamy mouthfeel, with a slight dryness on the finish.
This beer is interesting. I like it, but it tends to be kind of a wild beer that I don't see myself having very often. Worth a try if you like coffee.
Poured into a snifter glass without much fan fair. Not much foam, lacing or retention.
Aroma reminds me of grandma making coffee the old fashion way some 30 or more years ago. Just coffee grounds. If there is another aroma here, then it isn't finding me.
Taste is just more of the same. If I didn't know any better I would say this beer is a cup of coffee grounds.
Actually is a thin beer but has a creamy thickness to it. Carbonation is on the mild side.
Dark Horse is a good brewery in my book but this beer is very one dimensional. Is it the age on the beer: at least nine months? No matter a beer just shouldn't become one flavor and aroma. Enjoy!