T:Complex explosion of flavors. Semi-sweet chocolate, great coffee. Of course it's sort of light feel as a lager. Great cabonation makes its refreshing while at the same time dark and multi-levels of flavors. There's hops but hard to pin down the profile, get a slight bite at the end.
D: Highly sessionable. Great fit for those of us that like dark beers, but are hard to drink in hot weather. It's a style that doesn't get much respect, but I like the smoke and darkness with softer touch of a lager. This is a cool beer.
Poured opaque with a solid inch of dark tan, frothy foam. Retention was average while the retention had a nice presence.
Aroma reminds of a porter with solid roasted malt scent. Coffee is right there too. Can't wait to taste.
Taste is really good. A nice roasted malt backbone. Bitter chocolate rushes in the very end after the coffee hits you. A nice combination. Smoke and some nutty undertones are part of the complexity of this brew.
Medium body but really light as it is a lager dark beer. A prickly carbonation that is in the high end compliments well.
We were blessed when dark lager beers were invented. All the aroma and flavor but without the big, heavy belly feeling. I could have this over and over and a lot of it. I haven't had many Schwarzbiers but I am looking forward to more. Enjoy!
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." - Abraham Lincoln