Like the bottle said, black with tan head. A hint of brown in color, but almost black. No translucence when held to light. Clingy tan head.
Aroma. Black Patent, Special II, the smell of dark roasted malts.
Flavor. Wow, all dark malts. Burnt chocolate, roasted coffesque bitter finish that lasts. Like the bottle said, 'it lingers'.
Body. Light/medium.
Carbonation: Light/medium
Pours opaque with a huge, frothy, thick, brown foam. Retention is quite good with some splotchy, scattered lacing.
Aroma is bold: roasted and smoke (peat) are on the forefront. Not much else makes it out.
Taste is once again very malt forward. Slightly sweet, maybe, with dark malts coming through: roasted, burnt, chocolate, and smoke. There is a peat element that lasts long into the finish.
A medium body that peters out near the end, becoming thin. Carbonation is light. The peat coats a bit.
A really nice beer with plenty of depth but with a lighter body than what you get from a stout or porter. I could do without the smoke as it isn't my favorite characteristic in a beer. Enjoy!