Pours black with a brown frothy head. The head quickly subsides leaving a thin ring of tan foam around the edges of the glass. Spotty lacing.
The aroma is rich, big and bold. Dark fruits, and molasses are the aromas coming off this beer with a bit of alcohol that warns me that this beer is going to warm me up.
The taste matches the aroma with rich bold flavors that are warm and inviting. Starts sweet with a dark fruit flavors that remind me of black cherries and pruns moving into a dark roasted malts, creamy milk chocolate and molasses. The alcohol shows its self in the finish and warms you almost immediately. Amazing flavors on this beer that are not in the least bit shy.
Big body with light carbonation. Milky and smooth with a bit of a syrup type mouth feel.
Overall, I am really impressed with this beer. This is a perfect winter beer for a cold winter night. The flavors and the aroma are big and bold. The alcohol is warming and seems to match the big flavor perfectly. This is a must try beer for the BIG beer stout lovers!
Pours opaque with a brown, bubbly, inch thick foam. Retention was surprisingly quick with the foam becoming larger bubbled and thin. Lacing was spotty.
Aroma is big on dark fruits: raisins, plums, etc and a big hit of sweet molasses. Roasted barley is there but not as prominent. A tinge of alcohol only. The scent is fantastic.
Taste is big. Mildly sweet up front and subdued, but quickly grows with roasted malt, chocolate, licorice, and more. The alcohol really hits late in the after taste and hangs out there for a while as well as the molasses and dark fruit.
Big, actually huge, body with minimal carbonation - just enough to tickle the back of the throat. Syrupy thick.
Definitely a big beer that delivers. Big on the nose and taste buds. The alcohol is there but doesn't deter. I will be on the lookout for this in the future as it is a shame I have waited this long to have it. I have an '04 bottle in the basement. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 14:57:23
Tasted: Sunday, December 19, 2010
$0.00 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
Beer Notes
Dark, rich, roasty and complex, World Wide Stout has more in common with a fine port than a can of cheap, mass-marketed beer. Brewed with a ridiculous amount of barley