Don't ask why I am drinking this now. I just am. Poured into a tulip glass (just bought, so I had to use it) clear with three inches of off-white, thicker foam. Good retention and lacing. The lacing was stacked in places.
The aroma is that of an American IPA: sweet caramel malt and pine hops. Really nice and refreshing scent. Seems like I am ready for a good beer.
Taste is just like the aroma: sweet malt up front, smooth middle, ending in pine hops with some mild bitterness.
A tad under medium body with medium carbonation. A really nice combination on a really good beer.
Originally I had one of these during the winter season and I don't think I was really impressed. Man, o man, was I wrong and it goes to show that first impressions aren't always the best. This is some good stuff that I could have several of and be very pleased. Enjoy!