Pours a dark ruby brown with a dense tan colored head. Great retention on the head, with lots of thick spotty lacing.
Aroma is deep dark and rich. Lots of roasted malts, coffee and coco aromas and has a sweet slightly bitter scent.
Taste is dark roasted malts up front and works into a sweet coffee and chocolate blend with a hop profile hiding a bit behind all of the dark flavors. A bit of smoke flavor on the tail end. A very slight bit of bitterness in the finish. Extremely well balanced and smooth.
Heavy body with medium carbonation. Very drinkable for a heavy beer like this. Milky and smooth on the palate.
A big thumbs up on this beer. It's rich bold character and balance, puts this one in the top notch category. Very drinkable for a dark heavy beer. This one is going to stay on my favorite list!