A friend of mine from work picked this up for me while on vacation a few weeks ago! Thanks Jen!
Pours ruby brown in color with a big tan frothy head. Good retention on the head with nice web like lacing.
The aroma is a big rich blast of coffee, dark chocolate and a hint of malt sweetness.
The taste is a rich malty blend of coffee and roasted malts. Chocolate and hints of vanilla are noticeable in the finish. Starts with with a light sweetness and finishes with a hint of coffee bitterness.
Light body with medium carbonation. Creamy smooth mouth-feel but light at the same time, very drinkable.
Overall, an impressive beer from Surly. Great flavors that are well balanced and enjoyable. I am a big fan of coffee and beer and this beer nails it! Wish is it was available in my area. A must try beer for any coffee lover!
Pours clear with ample mocha colored foam. Retention is quite good with lacing leaving behind some nice webs.
Aroma is big on the coffee and such a pleasant coffee scent. Malts are the back bone to the beer: roasted, coffee, dark chocolate, and even some bread.
Taste follows the aroma to a 't.' The coffee is more of the old fashioned from Grandma's kitchen and that's the type I really like.
A medium bodied beer with ample carbonation to round out the quality taste.
Another quality Surly offering. I put this right behind Furious in terms of my favorite beers by them. I can't really have more than one at a time but I do keep coming back for more. Enjoy!
A: Good look overall, but no hint of the pleasure to come. Ruby Brown is always an enticing look, and add a full figured foamy head for the total package.
S: The subtle scent of very rich malt with a enticing exotic, aromatic coffee suggests I'm about to taste something great.
T: The depth of pleasure in this brew is wildly expansive. First, I'm a huge coffee fan and this Guatemalan blend used here is outstanding. Add that rich taste to seven Belgian / English malts and you're now cooking with gas. I'm getting cocoa, obviously rich coffee, and caramel with hints of vanilla and cream. Not sticky nor too heavy, sort of like a beer frapachino.
D: This is the perfect reach into a heavier set than the normal summer wheat, drinking it on a humid, stormy summer night on the prairie. Surly is a excellent regional brewery who's reputation is only limited because of it's narrow distribution band. I stuffed (4) four-packs of 16oz cans in my suitcase on a recent trip to Minneapolis. My regret is that I didn't have a bigger suitcase. These folks know how to make great brews and they use a high grade of ingredients to match their skills. Seek out Surly, brews not attitude.