Pours opaque with a half inch of thick, tan foam adorning the top. Retention is average with the foam eventually disappearing completely. Lacing is thick, dissipates a bit, with the remainder ever so slowly sliding down.
Aroma has roasted malt up front with side notes of licorice, chocolate, and a touch of alcohol.
Taste is a bit of the same. Roasted malt is the backbone while licorice and vanilla dance together. Chocolate is bitter with spice (hops?) in the finish. After taste begins with licorice, then bitter chocolate then transitioning to light coffee.
Not your huge bodied RIS that might be expected and more carbonation than expected. I could go for a bit less carbonation. Very dry.
The mix of lighter than normal body and carbonation make this beer an easy drinker. Could be a little more robust in terms of aroma and flavor with "typical" flavors coming out. Enjoy!
903 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 20:51:25
Tasted: Thursday, October 13, 2011
$0.00 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 1,201 ratings
Beer Notes
Released for the winter season, this hearty stout starts off with an espresso aroma, followed by a smooth roasted malt flavor. We age this beer for over 2 months to allow the alcohol to mellow and the flavors to balance. Despite the beers alcohol content and intense flavor, this beer remains smooth and very drinkable. But treat this beer with respect, otherwise you will bust!