Pours an amber brown color with a thin khaki colored head. The head disappears almost immediately, leaving a thin swirl of foam clinging to the edges of the glass. A small amount of spotty lacing.
The aroma is rich and intoxicating. Sweet toffee malts and dark fruits blend with a light vanilla and bourbon.
The taste is very similar to the aroma. Sweet toffee malts blend into a soft vanilla with a hint of bourbon. A sweet dark fruit, possible raisin or prune brings in the finish. Some warmth on the finish from the higher abv.
Medium body with light carbonation. Dry on the palate with a syrupy sweetness.
An amazing beer with sweet, complex, enjoyable flavors. If you like this style beer, this one is going to be hard to beat! A great winter beer that I look forward to having again! Try one!
"One of the hallmarks of the baby boomer generation is that it doesn't live like the previous generation. It hasn't yet given up jeans and T-shirts or beer." - Ron Klugman, SVP, Coors Brewing