Pours black in color with a thin dark tan colored head that quickly dissipates and leaves a thin layer of creamy looking foam resting on top. Very little lacing.
The aroma is on the lighter side, but I get a nice blend of dark roasted malts, bitter chocolate and coffee with a hint of vanilla.
The taste resembles the aroma is ways, but is much more robust. A combination of dark flavors meet the palate with dark roasted malts, bitter chocolates, dark fruit and molasses working into an earthy hop flavor that blends with a bitter coffee on the finish. A fairly bitter beer with a touch of milk chocolate sweetness in the finish and aftertaste.
Medium body with medium carbonation. Creamy and smooth, making it very drinkable for a beer with a higher ABV that is well hidden.
Overall, this is a solid Imperial Stout from Two Brothers. A great combination of dark flavors that are well balanced and enjoyable. This beer is very drinkable for an Imperial Stout and makes this a great beer to enjoy on a cold windy winter night! Try one!