Pours a dark amber brown with a frothy light tan quarter inch head. Good retention on the head with thick spotty lacing adorning the sides of the glass.
The aroma is sweet with caramel malts, grain, and a touch of spice.
The taste starts off dry and works into a blend of sweet malts and bread type flavors, finishing with a dry slightly bitter earthy hop.
Some yeast and tart type flavors are noticeable in the after taste.
Light to medium body with a very drinkable personality and a some what dry finish.
Another nice beer from Boulevard! A fun beer for St. Patty's Day with simple, but enjoyable, well balanced flavors. May the luck of the Irish be with you!
"I'm going to buy a boat... do a little travelling, and I'm going to be drinking beer!" - John Welsh, Brooklyn bus driver who won $30 million in the New York lottery