A: Medium Amber with definate red tinge with slight haze. Off white, medium full foam. Definately some lacing on the glass.
S: Very rich toffee maltiness covering sweet, medium dark fruitiness. Any hop aroma seems to swirl into malt.
T: Not thick syrup the aroma suggests. Soft sweetness, disaptes into caramel and orange citurs blend. More fresh fruit aftertaste, almost no hop bitterness. Carbonation levels are balanced.
O: At first taste I wasn't sure about this beer. On subsequent trys I became a big fan. The initial red ale tea notes gave way to much deeper and complex toffee with blends of citrus/tropical fruits. FFFs has no fear in making each brew totally it own.
Fun seasonal beer for St. Pat day with a hoppy twist. You have to love the Three Floyds labels. This one has a great Irish feel.
Pours a nice amber brown. Minimal head with spotty lacing.
Aroma is an intense blast of hops. Lot of citrus hops and has a rich sweet smell.
Lots of rich citrus hops. A well balanced beer of sweet caramel and hops.
Very smooth and rich and full flavored.
393 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 22:16:25
Tasted: Thursday, March 10, 2011
$7.99 for 24 oz. bottle
113 beers rated with a
8.19 average
A: 9.0 |
T: 9.0 |
L: 9.0 |
M: 9.0 |
O: 9.0
sDev: 0.11%
Color: 9
Clear gold. Thin lace, slight cling.
Aroma: Big. Hops. Floral. Amarillo up front, sweet malt. Did I mention big aroma?
Flavor: Wow. Super Hop. Amarillo again, big citrus, fruity. Dry from the honey. Great flavor. Malts sweetly complimentary. Classic Three Floyds. Bam! So good.
Poured clear with a nice three inch, off-white foam. Lacing is above average with the foam becoming frothy as it recedes. Lacing
Aroma has more hops than sweet malt. The hops is mostly citrus with a touch of floral. Smells more like an ipa than anything else.
Taste starts off with nice hops then the middle brings on some malt while the finish is once again all hops. Floral and citrus all around. Nice.
Medium bodies beer with medium or better carbonation that is befitting. Hop juice almost came out of this fresh bottle.
Like any of the hoppy beers from FFF (do they make anything that isn't?), make sure to have it fresh. Easy to have several or, in my case, a bomber in one sitting. If you are expecting a real red, pass, if you like hops, go for it. Enjoy!