Pours opaque with clear sides. Deep tan foam about two inches thick coats the liquid beneath. Retention is above average but leaves nary a trace of its' once lived glory.
Aroma is spice and more spice. Cinnamon is the front runner with nutmeg and an almost potpourri scent. Fruits lie behind as the beer breaths a touch. Dark. Some roasted malt begins to be attainable.
Taste is a bit spiced up front: nutmeg, all spice, cinnamon, and others but don't come across as over bearing. Roast, dark fruits (very mild), and light caramel notes strum a tune. The roast lingers nicely in the background, giving one thoughts of a stout.
Medium or so body with a carbonation that zings the front of the tongue and lips before fading. There is a lingering sweetness here that coats the lips a touch.
A nice beer for the cold months in spite of me drinking it in late spring. One of the best "winter warmers" I have had a chance to review. Definitely on the future horizon. Enjoy!