Old Howling Bastard - Blue Point Brewing Company

Old Howling Bastard

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Style: American Barleywine

ABV: 10.00%

IBU: 70

Season: January

  • (3.666)
    over 4,211 ratings
Beer Notes
  • Some Long Island Winters can make just about anyone surly. Old Howling Bastard was named after a certain colorful local character years ago, but when the weather gets cold a lot of folks around here get cranky waiting on our bold barley wine to hit taps. Our special barley wine is made with English 2-row barley and Vienna malt. Its robust, malty, caramel flavor is balanced by lots and lots of hops, giving it a great depth of character. Drink only in moderation, the colorful name is not all that will grab your attention. Try an Old Howling Bastard in a snifter or wineglass – the trick is to never forget that after a few, you too, may turn into a howling bastard!
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