Pours black in color with hints of ruby red around the edges of the glass. The pour produces a nice thick heavy half inch head that settles out leaving a thin layer of foam resting on top. Thick heavy lacing sheets down the sides of the glass.
The aroma is sweet dark and roasted with a light bitterness that comes in late on the nose. Milk Chocolate, brown sugar and roasted malts.
The taste is like a milk shake. Sugar and sweet milk chocolate, malts, milky creamy taste and texture. Some hints of roasted malts and a touch of bitterness on the finish that lasts into the aftertaste.
Medium to heavy body with medium carbonation. Creamy and silky smooth on the palate.
Overall, a very nice milk stout. Very creamy and milky. This is about as close to chocolate milk as your going to get and still have an enjoyable beer! Definitely worth a try if you enjoy this style. Try one!
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." - Frank Zappa