Barrel Aged Solar Eclipse - Kuhnhenn Brewing Company

Barrel Aged Solar Eclipse

Write a Beer Review

Overall: 9.40/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 9.40/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: Russian Imperial Stout

ABV: 18.00%

Season: One-time

Have Another: 100%

113 beers rated with a 8.19 average
  • 9.40/10 have another
  • A: 9.0 | T: 10.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • Color: 37
  • Aroma: Bourbon upfront. Smooth Bourbon! It smells so good!!!!!!
    Maybe some raisin and currant? Vanilla, oak. Sweetness is clear, but not overt. Hint of alcohol.

    Look: Pretty dame black. I'm excited. I appreciate a black beer. I would say with out debate- it's darker than 2012 Dark Lord (a minor "disappointment"). No visible head, but the thinnest lace at edge of glass.

    Taste: Heat- alcohol. Followed by easy drinking bourbon. Hint of black patent bitterness. That bitterness grows as you drink more.

    Light carbonation (appropriate) and medium almost light body. This is actually great because the body is so big, the 'lighter' body makes it easier to drink. That is a brilliant move.

    I mentioned alcohol, which is apparent, but it doesn't taste like 18%. Wow. What a beer.

    As a point of clarity, I don't think there is a perfect beer, so I can not give out a 10, that's lightspeed in my book. Unreachable, but this beer is pretty amazing.
  • 977 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 07, 2013 at 22:46:12
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 07, 2013
  • $12.00 for 12 oz. bottle
  • (4.304)
    over 360 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $12.00, 1 serving(s), 12 oz. bottles
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