Poured clear with a conservative amount of brown foam. Not much retention as the foam quickly becomes, at most, a thin layer on top. Minimal lacing.
Aroma of chocolate, roasted malt, vanilla, and a tad of dark fruit.
Taste of bourbon backend with chocolate, vanilla, and creaminess. Nice roasted malt on the finish. No aftertaste to speak of.
Low carbonation and huge body are blended to make one fine drinking stout.
Are you kidding me? This stuff is flat out awesome. The bottle had been cellared for a year, so I don't know what a fresh bottle tastes like but one year later, holy crap! So delicious and smooth. Enjoy!
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." - Frank Zappa