Pours clear with hints of a chill haze. An inch of white foam covers. Average retention, possibly better. Lacing was thick, with 90%+ receding back to liquid height while the rest left nice remnants.
Aroma is light. Subtle sweetness and cucumber abound at said level. Earthiness.
Taste is up-front cucumber. From start to finish. Earthiness is heightened as well. Sweetness is once again subtle.
Light body. Carbonation was stiff. Crisp.
A nice beer. It is a kolsch with cucumber, it's going to be light. Having it on a warm summer day makes perfect sense. Rated and drank with this angle leads to a pleasant experience. Enjoy!
648 characters
Reviewed: Monday, August 07, 2017 at 15:09:54
Tasted: Monday, August 07, 2017
$2.06 for 12 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 3,784 ratings
Beer Notes
A Kölsch-style German ale with lager qualities owed to pilsner malt and cold fermentation. Pours a deep gold color. Smooth drinkability and super-refreshing finish from an infusion of cucumber. Now available in 6 packs of 12 oz. cans for the first time!