Pours crystal clear with a small amount of pristine white foam. Retention is minimal while the lacing is sticky but thin.
Aroma is wheat up front with a little bit of yeast. Bread is a definite characteristic.
Taste is very similar to the nose. The yeast in this style of beer just sort of bothers me. There is a bit of hop bitterness but not much flavor behind those hops.
Light body to the nth degree with light end of medium carbonation. Drying on the palate.
A really easy drinking beer that could go down in quantities in the hot, humid months of summer. This is really a delicate style to brew. Enjoy!
618 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 21:25:17
Tasted: Thursday, March 17, 2011
$0.00 for 22 oz. bottle
113 beers rated with a
8.19 average
A: 8.0 |
T: 8.0 |
L: 9.0 |
M: 8.0 |
O: 8.0
sDev: 4.84%
Color: 3
Clear straw color, clinging white head. Steady carbonation. Pleasant slightly yeast and wheat aroma.
Taste, crisp wheat light feel with malt leaning towards yeasty bread and slightest bitterness in the finish.
Basically it tastes like it smells.
Very drinkable. Very light, accessible. Great on a hot day. Could drink it all day long on a hot day. Which doesn't mean I would. Just that I could. Shrugs