Received as a gift from Sheri and Mike. Thank you!
Day 6 of 24 beers of Christmas 2021.
Pours clear but the width of the glass makes it opaque at the thickness. Beautiful, lightly frothy foam covers the beer. Great retention with sheeting lacing.
Aroma of ginger and cinnamon with each waft alternating between the two. Cinnamon eventually takes the lead. Some sweetness.
Taste is well balanced up front before the finish into the end that leads it astray. The cinnamon builds, overpowers, and fails the beer. Some ginger but neaty beaten back by the brute cinnamon.
Medium body with light carbonation that only builds on the tip of the tongue.
We all have our kryptonite of beers. Anything with spice in it falls into that category for me, some are worse than others. Juleøl comes closer to balance than some beers this time of year. Still, I wouldn't have it again. Enjoy!
897 characters
Reviewed: Monday, December 06, 2021 at 17:01:43
Tasted: Monday, December 06, 2021
$0.00 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 895 ratings
Beer Notes
Norwegian Inspired Winter Ale spiced with Cinnamon, Ginger, and Orange Peel. Merry Christmas ya filthy animal! Along with traditional holiday spices, this ale is fermented with a clean, lager-like kviek yeast. All you have to do to get into the holiday spirit is crack this can and take a sip!