Poured clear with a nice off-white, quarter inch of foam into my snifter. Foam disappeared sort of quickly as it became a thin layer, even spotty in places, on top of my beer. Lacing similar to zits on a fifteen year old face.
All-spice is the strongest aroma emanating from my glass. Nutmeg isn't far behind with a bit of cinnamon. I love pumpkin pie, especially my Mom's, and this brew is right on. She might be jealous.
Taste follows. Sweetness throughout with all-spice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. A malt backbone that adds some life to the beer while you almost feel like the pumpkin flesh was pulled out just before I opened the bottle.
Good amount of carbonation for the beer with the body that isn't big but makes you want to chew it; possibly the flavor and aromas.
This a really good pumpkin beer from start to finish. Lots of spice; not overwhelming. Takes the wait out of having to wait for a pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. A beer that I could easily have a couple of in a sitting but I couldn't do many more. Enjoy!
"The roots and herbes beaten and put into new ale or beer and daily drunk, cleareth, strengtheneth and quickeneth the sight of the eyes." - Nicholas Culpeper