Pours a clear deep golden color with two fingers of white head. Decent retention with moderate lacing.
Aroma is a mix of pumpkin, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon. Reminds me of pumpkin pie with a bit of sweetness to it.
Taste is similar to the aroma. Pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove. Again very much like pumpkin pie. The taste is not as impressive as the aroma. Fairly mellow and moderately sweet.
Light to medium body with medium carbonation. Watery mouth feel while leaving the palate with a sweet sticky feeling.
Overall a nice refreshing fall beer. Nice flavors and aroma, I just wish the taste was a big as the aroma. Well balanced with good drink ability. Try one!
Poured clear with about a quarter-inch, white foam that acted like Cinderella as the clock struck 12 - gone in a flash. Some very minor lacing.
Aroma of pumpkin, all-spice, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Some grainy like malt seems to be the backbone.
The taste sort of let me down. After the aroma I expected more in the taste but there was a definite pumpkin flavor; refreshing. The spices and malt are slight.
Fair amount of carbonation but lack of flavors in the taste make this feel watery to me. Too light in the mouth.
The aroma start off well but the taste is a downer in which the beer just doesn't quite get there. If they could copy the aroma in the taste, I believe they would have a much better beer. Enjoy!