Aroma: Very low key, suprised how light overall the scent. Maybe light roasted malt and a couple other notes.
1st Taste: Holy cow, flavor explosion. This is deep black hole of chocolate, then dark fruits (prunes and what), and then alcohol fire.
Overall: This brew is huge and complex and interesting. Definately a brew that'd get better with age. Only knock might be that the alcohol taste sticks out a little. But, this was freshly bottled on 2/19/10 so it's green. Worth keeping an eye on this brew.
Poured opaque and black like midnight. A nice brown, frothy, creamy foam that was a good two inches thick. Retention was solid. Lacing, which there wasn't much of, was thick a patchy.
Aroma is roasted malt and not that big. Maybe a touch of alcohol. I wasn't impressed by the aroma.
Taste is GREAT! So complex: dark fruits, bitter from hops and chocolate, roasted malt, and some shots of brown sugar sweetness. A bit of coffee is there in finish too.
Thick, rich, and creamy body leaves no doubt this is an imperial stout. Mildly carbonated. Drying.
This is a really outstanding beer. I wish I would have bought more than one. When I was at the beer store I noticed they had a couple left, hopefully they will have at least one left. Go get it if you can. Enjoy!
"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer." - Dave Barry