Pours a clear deep golden color with a quarter inch white fluffy head. Good retention on the head with lots of thick sticky lacing.
The aroma is a blend of grains, yeast, malts and a citrus lemon scent.
The taste is semi-sweet with a bready malt and grain with works into a honey sweetness and finishes with a light citrus lemon flavor that lingers on the palate.
Light body with light to medium carbonation. Very drinkable with a light dryness in the finish.
Overall this is a very nice beer from New Glarus. At first glance this beer might come off as being simple, but is simple and complex all at the same time. Very drinkable and refreshing and would make a great beer to enjoy on a hot day! Try one!
A: Deep gold and very clear, but has some viscosity in the look. I was surprised at the depth of the color based on the style. White, fluffy, delicate foam with medium retention.
S: First impression is of fresh lemon mixed with light biscuity malt but not sweet or overly malty. Smells like beer, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.
T: A semi-sweetness with a slight lemon flavor starts the experience. The taste sensation quickly rolls into a fresh, statisfying dryness. Not bitter, though the hops are there, more floral in notes. Well carbonated and medium mouthfeel, seems just right for style. It favors the malt side a bit, maybe that's because it has a hop profile I'm not as accustomed to in the current, big-ass, West Coast IPA world of american craft ales.
O: Label says its a graceful, classic lager. I could not agree more. Totally eye-opening to experience a really well made lager. If more lagers were this good, there might be a shift in the lager/ale ratio in the american craft brewing world. Dan Carey is a true brew master. And I really appreciate the history lesson of how the brewing world at a point a long time ago became enamoured with lagers. Plus I've got a new brew in my summer line-up.
Pours crystal clear with a huge white, fluffy, soft foam. Retention is about average but the lacing is quick to begin, sticky, thick and all over.
Aroma is classic yeast (lager) with grain malt and herbal, lemon, and slightly citrus hop profile.
Taste follows the aroma quite closely. Grainy malt comes in the finish and lingers while a touch of sweet leads off along with lemon hops. Herbal and lemon hops are also in the finish. Lager yeast flavors are minimal as is wheat.
Light body with a light carbonation but do the beer justice, letting the characteristics of the beer come out. Somewhat dry.
I am a fan of New Glarus, so this isn't much of going out on a limb saying I like this beer. A solid offering that is easy to drink and refreshing. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Thursday, October 07, 2010 at 21:34:18
Tasted: Thursday, October 07, 2010
$8.00 for 16 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 58 ratings
Beer Notes
Originally released in a 16oz version in 2010 (one time release), later becoming a year round offering (2011) in 12oz bottles.