Pours a crisp clear golden color with a huge lively white head. The head pours with a fizzy highly carbonated foam that reminds me of a soda. The head settles quickly and leaves a thin ring of foam around the edges of the glass. Lacing sheets down the sides of the glass.
The aroma is a blast of sweet and sour apples. It has a slight tartness to it and is amazingly fresh.
The taste is amazing. Tart green apples with a sweetness. The finish has a bit of a spice, maybe cinnamon. The freshness of the apple flavor is shocking. Reminds of picking apples right off the tree at an apple orchard.
Light body with a higher carbonation. Watery and smooth mouth feel.
Overall I am really impressed with this beer. This is the first apple beer that I have had and I am really enjoying it. New Glarus really nails it with the fruit beers. An amazing freshness between both the aroma and the taste. A must try fruit beer!
Pours clear with a gracious heaping of white, soft foam. Retention is actually quite fleeting for the amount of foam as it becomes nothing more than a wreath of knowledge.
Aroma is sharp on the apples. No lying there. Sweet yet a bit tart. Oak seems to be there for me unless I am confusing the scent. Apple juicey like.
Taste is sweet up front changing quickly to apples, a touch of spice: maybe cinnamon. The apple stays to the finish and sits in your mouth similar to the aftertaste of an apple pie.
Light body with a good crisp, tingling carbonation to accent to try and build the beer up a bit.
Never had the original offering but this reminds me of warm apple pie, no, that is something else. Seriously it reminds me of a really good apple pie, I think the crust is in there too.
Is it too cliche to say that New Glarus knows how to make some wonderful fruit beers? It is almost so good that it is almost gimmicky.
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Reviewed: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 21:16:36
Tasted: Wednesday, November 17, 2010
$2.49 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 18,370 ratings
Beer Notes
Originally released as part of the 2010 Unplugged Series (now defunct). Re-released in 2011 as part of the Thumb Print Series.