Pours black in color with a hint of ruby red showing around the edges of the glass when held up to the light. The pour produces a thin khaki colored head that is tightly formed with great retention. Some spotty lacing.
The aroma is very nice! Chocolate, oats and coffee are rich and inviting.
The taste is just as nice as the aroma with some additional layers of complexity. Starts with bitter chocolates and dark roasted malts that works into a solid oat flavor and finishes with burnt coffee. A touch of vanilla sweetness is noticeable in the aftertaste along side a bitter roasted malt and coffee flavor.
Medium body with light to medium carbonation. Creamy smooth mouthfeel with dryness in the finish and a sweetness on the lips.
Overall, a very impressive oatmeal stout with a very true to style flavor and mouthfeel. Awesome flavors that are well balanced and very enjoyable with a very inviting aroma. I might be a bit biased, as this is one of my favorite styles of beer, but this one should be on your must try list. Very drinkable and just plain good! Try one!
Pours opaque with a one-third glass of deep tan, thick, frothy foam. Retention is quite good with the foam thickening up. Lacing is minimal.
Aroma is sweet oats, chocolate, and nice dose of roasted malt. Not overly strong but pleasant.
Taste is very similar. It starts subtle but builds as it goes. A lot of bitter chocolate and roasted, almost burnt, malt in the finish, that lingers and gives the sense of balance.
Medium body with ample carbonation, the beer dries out a bit.
A really good stout that makes itself extremely easy to drink. I think the nose could have carried a bit more but otherwise I have no complaints. Enjoy!
642 characters
Reviewed: Monday, March 14, 2011 at 20:42:42
Tasted: Monday, March 14, 2011
$1.49 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 7,862 ratings
Beer Notes
When the railroad was completed between Madison and Milwaukee in 1882, mucky soils in the glacial. swamp near Lake Mills made the tracks most unsteady. A bridge-tender stood guard, 24 hours-a-day, to warn oncoming trains of the danger ahead and caution them to slow their pace. One engineer chose not to head this warning and the locomotive lost control and tumbled off the bridge into the mud below. The train is said to be forever entombed deep in the muck along the present day Glacial Drumlin trail. We brew Down 'n Dirty Chocolate Oatmeal Stout thick and black like the glacial muck.