Pours almost black in color with just a hint of dark brown showing around the edges of the glass. A big robust tightly formed tan head rises on the pour. Great retention on the head. The lacing sheets down the sides of the glass.
The aroma is full of dark roasted malts, bitter dark chocolates and coffee.
Taste is very similar to the aroma. Dark roasted malts, coffee and dark chocolate that gives it a slightly bitter finish. This beer has a sweet character about it, but the slightly bitter finish helps balance it out and give it a nice well balanced taste and finish. All of the dark bold flavors work together, giving this beer a perfect harmony of flavor.
Big body with lighter carbonation. Milky creamy mouthfeel with a sticky slightly sweet finish.
My overall impression of this beer is that it is a winner! Nicely balanced with great flavors. A very easy drinking beer with a perfect mouthfeel for this style. As a big fan of oatmeal stouts I am impressed and would recommend this to others that like this style. Put this on your list of beers to try Stout lovers!
"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer." - Dave Barry