Drank from a bottle with date of 2011-03-25 numbered 2005.
Poured opaque with an inch of deep tan foam. Frothier as it recedes, which is average, while leaving almost no lacing.
Aroma is big on the licorice. Heaping helping of roasted malt is there and some mild chocolate. Smoke and molasses come in there too. Each quaff brings something new and interesting.
Taste is a sweet throughout, something that could get better with age. Licorice, molasses, chocolate, and more each excite the palate in varying degrees and times.
Thick and heavy with light carbonation. A bit sticky on the lips. A bit of heat but not as hot as I expected.
This is fairly fresh and drinking nice, a year or more of age could easy make this beer fantastic. If you aren't a fan of sweet beers, stay away and/or wait. Enjoy!
Pours a deep black color with a nice tan colored two finger head. Head dissipates quickly leaving a thin swirl of tan foam floating on top. Very little lacing.
Aroma is a punch of burnt malts, cocoa, molasses and licorice. Has a sweet aroma.
Taste is a gentle and sweet. I am getting a lots of cocoa, some burn malts on the palate that works its way into a warm molasses and licorice
Mouthfeel is incredible. Big body with light carbonation. Very creamy, milky and smooth.
Overall this is a very impressive beer. It all works together perfectly. The aroma, the taste and the mouthfeel are right on the money. For a beer with a high ABV, I am impressed with a lack of alcohol that is coming through on this beer. Another top notch beer from Goose Island!
A: Shiny black with deep tan & copperish really thick foam head.
S: Mass of many flavors melted together to form an intriquing and unique aroma. Licorice, molassases, burnt malt are just the starters.
T: Yeah it's a tad sweet. Spicey heat of alcohol swirls around dark sugars and smoky malt notes.
O: Probably a tad young, but I appreciate the fermentation check-in. Label says "develops in the bottle for up to five years." I can't wait.
456 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, June 09, 2011 at 21:49:06
Tasted: Thursday, June 09, 2011
$9.99 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 8,733 ratings
Beer Notes
Inspired by the epic skyline of Chicago, Goose Island’s brewers set out to craft Big John; a tall, bold slugger of a stout that stands out vividly against the little soft beers out there. Epic amounts of roasted malt and an addition of cacao nibs give Big John a massive chocolate flavor and aroma. With a body as substantial and black as the building to which it pays homage, Big John is sure to inspire a sense of awe with every sip.