Pours with so much deep tan foam that I couldn't see the liquid at the bottom at first. Thickening as it takes its time receding it is finally distinguishable that the beer is opaque because of deep color. Lacing is sticky, dry, and all over. Pock marks form deep crevices on the foam top.
Aroma is a contrast: citrus hops poking through at the same level of roast and chocolate. The citrus is strong enough to give a clean sense to the beer.
Taste has some roasted malt up front that seems to travel deep. Sweetness joins in the middle through the end, while chocolate and some rye spice join late and linger. Citrus malts hit late but cut the sweet while carrying a touch of bitterness into the finish.
Medium body, maybe lighter with a good zing on the carbonation. Almost gives a creamy sensation.
This was a very easy drinking beer. The combination of ingredients was precisely put together to let each shine through but not dominate. Bitterness isn't obsessive either. Well done. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 20:42:50
Tasted: Wednesday, June 15, 2011
$0.00 for 16 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 8,975 ratings
Beer Notes
This beer is characterized by an intermingling of spicy citrus hops and chocolate malt creating an interesting complexity and great first impression on the nose. Hop Strike’s substantial 78 IBU’s are balanced by Chocolate Rye, resulting in a nice depth of malt character and deep color.