Pours a hazy pale golden color with a white head. Head dissipates quickly leaving a thin layer on top. Nice lacing.
Aroma is a bit odd to me. I can't figure out what I smell. I am guessing here, but I think I am getting wheat, a bready yeast and some type of spice.
Taste is not what I was expecting since the aroma was a little odd. This beer has a traditional wheat beer taste with some nice extras. Starts out clean, works into a bready, malt flavor and finishes with a sweet floral flavor and a bit of lemon and spice. A little bit of hops shines through at the tail end giving it a slight bitterness.
Light body with medium carbonation. Well balanced with a sweeter character.
Overall a pretty good beer. I am enjoying the complexity of this beer. Very tasty and an easy drinker. The aroma is the only negative about this beer, but it does not ruin it of me. An enjoyable wheat that I will have again.
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Reviewed: Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 22:24:26