Pours a light brown with a hint of red. Very little head on the pour but a white creamy ring of foam clings to the side of the glass. Spotty watery lacing.
Aroma is raspberry and more raspberry! Sweet with a bit of tartness. The freshness of the raspberries in the aroma is mind boggling.
Taste follows the aroma perfectly. Very Fresh raspberry that is both slightly sweet with a tart finish. Perfect flavors here, the raspberry is intoxicating and amazingly fresh.
Light body with medium carbonation. Tart on the finish.
Overall this beer is perfect! The flavors are so rich and full. The raspberry tastes fresh as the day they were picked. A must try fruit beer that I will pick up every time I make it to Wisconsin.
731 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 23:19:13
Tasted: Thursday, December 29, 2011
$9.99 for 750 ml bottle
113 beers rated with a
8.19 average
A: 10.0 |
T: 8.0 |
L: 9.0 |
M: 9.0 |
O: 9.0
sDev: 7.24%
Color: 12
Aroma. Overpowering aroma of real raspberry amazing.
Thinnest lace. Red brown color.
Pleasantly raspberry tart. Wow.
Aroma: Duh, raspberry but sugar sweet and something else, not sure what.
1st Taste: Perfect raspberry, slightly sweet, tart is a great description...not sour.
Overall: This beer is the BOMB. I like raspberry flavor across the board, and this one's perfect. It's fruit, it's tart, it's sweet, and a candied and biscuity background. The carbonation matches the style. Not sure how the fermenting of berries in the oak barrel shows up, but I trust that some of the mysterious background flavors. This is in my top ten all time favorite beers.
Pours clear in my English pint glass with three fingers of fluffy, pink-hued foam. Actually one of the nicest looking froths I have seen.
The aroma makes you believe that there has to be raspberries in the bottle. Sweetness that I would associate with sugar.
The taste follows. Full of raspberries throughout while finishing with some tartness. Sugary sweetness is hard to miss also.
Lots of carbonation with a light body that can possibly make you pucker.
This is one of the better fruit beers that I have had. On hot, humid days this one could be dangerous. Glad there isn't too much alcohol in it. I would definitely have another and it could be a good alternative for wine. Enjoy!