Pours a hazy deep golden orange with a half inch orange-white head that settles quickly into a thin swirl of foam on top of the beer. No lacing.
The aroma is a mix of tangerines and oranges with some slight grain. The tangerine and orange aroma is bold, fresh and very pleasant.
The taste is a huge tart tangerine and orange flavor up front and works into a wheat flavor with a citrus bitterness in the aftertaste.
Light body with a high level of carbonation. The bold citrus mixed with the high level of carbonation creates a soda like mouthfeel.
Overall, this is a fun fruit beer that has bold flavors that are enjoyable and different. Very refreshing! I think that I would enjoy this beer on a hot summer day for breakfast! Worth a try since the flavors are great, but it reminds me too much of a soda. Give one and try and decide for yourself!