Pours clear with a vigorous pour bringing on a half glass of thick, white, frothy foam. Retention is above average and begins leaving sticky, thin lace right away.
Aroma is a complex mix of citrus hops: orange, tangerine, pine apple, and even mild grapefruit. Pine tweaks the nose while a sweetness permeates from the hops. Slight bread/grain comes from malt.
Taste is slightly sweet up front giving way in the middle to bread flavors mixed with the beginnings of the hop charge. Citrus hops are lead by by grapefruit and trailing pine. Surprisingly light bitterness in the finish. The more you drink the more the grapefruit bitterness builds.
Medium body with a medium carbonation that is clean. Leaves the mouth somewhat dry in spite of the juiciness of the hops.
Much more than I expected from this beer, especially since I had almost none. The hops is so nicely complex with a perfect blend to please the senses. Definitely one to find again. Enjoy!
967 characters
Reviewed: Friday, February 10, 2012 at 21:35:50
Tasted: Friday, February 10, 2012
$0.00 for 12 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
Beer Notes
A base of pale, Munich, and Carapils malts is just enough to contain the massive hop flavor and aroma packed into this highly drinkable IPA. A blend of four American hop varieties is added four times in the kettle and twice in the fermentor for a complex and layered hop experience.