Pours clear with a single inch of white foam. Retention is a little quick before settling in with an eighth inch of foam. Lacing
Aroma is hop driven. Citrus grapefruit and tropical fruits lead the charge. Malts mingle in the back end.
Taste is bitter from the start with a resinous, dank hop flavor there besides. Grapefruit throws all other hop flavors to the side but there are some other minor citrus flavors. Burps bring up more grapefruit. Piney hops is in the finish and balances the big citrus.
Medium body with a slightly less than medium carbonation that seems to allow hop oils coat the mouth for feel instead.
This is a stellar beer in my book. In spite of the big hops it is drinkable and refreshing. Since it is seasonal I would imagine this doesn't last long on the west coast. Wonderful. Enjoy!
825 characters
Reviewed: Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 21:20:22
Tasted: Saturday, October 22, 2011
$0.00 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 19,640 ratings
Beer Notes
rewed annually since 2009, this summer seasonal is made each year for a local India Pale Ale festival, where, this year it was selected one of the top three beers in the competition. We start with almost all 2-row barley malt and a touch of Caramalt for body. Abundant Cascade, Chinook, CTZ and Citra hops lend citrus, pine and floral notes, and a double round of dry-hopping amps up the aroma to a new level. Breathe in the hops an enjoy.