Pours a clear pale amber color with a half inch white head. Good retention on the head. Lots of lacing that clings to the sides of the glass.
The aroma is fresh and clean. Citrus (maybe grapefruit), a bit of floral, some grassy notes as well a hint of pine.
The taste is similar to the aroma with a citrus hop that reminds me of grapefruit, some light grassy hops with a light malt backbone to balance the beer out. Very drinkable and refreshing.
Light body with medium carbonation. The beer is somewhere between watery and creamy on the mouthfeel with a zesty carbonation that tickles the tongue.
A very nice beer from Founder's! Great drink ability with a very flavorful enjoyable hop profile! With the lower ABV, I can see this beer becoming a hot summer afternoon favorite! Try one!