My second beer from BuckleDown in as many days in a conscience attempt to have more local Chicago beers. Build your own six-pack is coming in handy.
Pours with a chill covered by an inch of off-white foam. Retention is solid. Lacing is sticky throughout.
Aroma is full of citrus, orange and pine hops. Caramel, grain and light bread. Orange is the strongest of the hop aromas.
Taste has a good backbone of malt. Caramel and bread coexist throughout. Good malt and hop balance. Orange and pine hops are pleasant. Minimal bitterness, almost complete balance.
Light end of medium body, same for the carbonation. Crisp. Dries the palate. Late sweetness with minimal to no bitterness.
This is a solid beer. Great balance. Easy to drink. The bread flavor, achieved from the grain, is a nice change of pace for the style. Definitely a new local that I will be picking up more often. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 at 17:11:50
Tasted: Tuesday, August 04, 2015
$1.67 for 12 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 18,872 ratings
Beer Notes
Loads of Crystal and Sterling hops lead the way in producing huge citrus and pine aromatics. Hoppiness is supported with a clean, slightly biscuity malt backbone.