Pours a cloudy amber color with a thin white head. Spotty lacing.
The aroma is sweet with citrus hops similar to grapefruit. A very nice aroma.
The taste is similar to the aroma with a sweet malt upfront working into a citrus hop with a grapefruit citrus bite. The finish is slightly bitter and creamy.
Medium body with medium body. Creamy and smooth on the mouth feel.
Overall, a very nice IPA. Creamy rich and smooth. Very drinkable and enjoyable.
Thinnest lace over deep gold.
Smells great.
Tastes like is smells
Smells and tastes like cascade and columbus???
Bottle conditioned, tight bubbles like it says on the bottle.
Poured hazy into my mason mug. Love that mug. Had a huge meringue, big bubbled, white foam. Great retention as it takes a while to wither away to a thin film on top of the brew. Beautiful spider-web lacing.
Aroma is on the light side but good. Sweet malt with big citrus hops. Grapefruit is the main citrus note.
Taste has smooth, sweet malt up front. The middle is very smooth transitioning point. Ends with slight creamy, grapefruit hops. Some bitterness in the aftertaste but not long lived.
High end of low carbonation and light body work a charm on this brew.
A good example of an IPA as it seem most CA breweries have a knack for accomplishing. I could enjoy this all day. Why do I live so far away from CA? Once again, thank you Russ for helping out. Enjoy!