Quickie review: I've always like Off Color. This beer was decent. Easy drinking Imperial Stout, alcohol is hidden. Black malt chalky, get molasses...maybe too much. No vanilla. Biggest sin is that just not enough personality.
Pours opaque with a finger of mocha foam. Retention is fleeting. Sporadic lacing that mostly cedes back.
Aroma is surprisingly faint for the style. Roast is the most prominent and possibly only aroma. Molasses, graham cracker, and hints of sweetness.
Taste of dark, roasted malt. Graham cracker and lactose thickness and sweetness. No hints of alcohol.
Big body here. Medium carbonation. Dry.
Expected more from the nose: too one dimensional. The taste is mute as well but shines brighter than the nose. I expected this beer to be amazing as the bourbon aged version is out of site. It is a good beer but there are so many other beers that need my attention before it would be turned here again.
710 characters
Reviewed: Friday, March 27, 2020 at 21:33:53
Tasted: Friday, March 27, 2020
$0.00 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 55,783 ratings
Beer Notes
Amager Bryghus and West Lakeview Liquors Collaboration
When we launched BorrachaBaker made us some s'mores shaped like dinosaurs for our launch event. Then, we made an imperial stout with graham flour, marshmallow fluff, vanilla, and cocoa nibs with Amager and West Lakeview Liquors. Then, we brought this beer to the Brewpub Shootout and paired the beer named after the food with a food the beer wasn't named after. People were confused and named it best beer (or was it food?) at the Shootout.