Pours a dark brown, almost black color with a one inch khaki colored head. The head settles out leaving a thin tightly formed layer resting on top. Lots of thick lacing that drapes the sides of the glass.
The aroma is big on pine and citrus (maybe grapefruit) with slight sourness blended with a dark roasted scent and dark chocolate. A very nice aroma!
The taste is dark and rich starting with a pine and citrus hop flavor that works into a blend of dark fruit, chocolate, molasses and coffee. The finish is sweet and rich.
Medium body with light to medium carbonation. Creamy and dry on the palate with a sweetness on the lips and in the aftertaste.
Overall, a big winner in my book! A really nice stout with the usual Three Floyds hopped up spin on things! Very well balanced with the dark rich flavors working perfectly with the citrus and pine hops. The dry mouthfeel is balanced nicely with a sweetness and keeps me coming back for another sip! A tasty brew that I will have again! Try one!
Aroma: Big Pine, all hopped up like you'd expect a FFFs to be.
1st Taste: Way smoother than I thought it would be, and somewhat sweet.
Overall: Admitly the 2BDs are huge fans of the FFFs. The is brew was surprisingly fresh. I'd never have guessed 50 IBUs. And the it was crazy dry in a very good way. A very drinkable offering from the trio of Muenster, and with the unique personality that comes with every FFF brew.
Pours clear into my mason mug. About an inch of tightly packed, brown foam. Becomes frothy as it recedes with average retention. Lacing is sticky and web like.
Aroma is almost all pine and citrus hops. Quite pleasing to the nose.
Taste is the hops up front and in the middle: pine and mainly citrus. Finishes with a fruity sweetness that isn't expected. Chocolate and coffee notes are to found too.
Really relaxed for the dark color - light mouth feel and of course dry but strangely after a boost of sweetness that is juicing. Interesting.
Uncanny with how crisp, refreshing, and light this beer is. Another beer from FFF that scores high with me. I don't know why I waited this long to have this one. Enjoy!