Poured clear, I guess as it was really dark. Foam was over an inch of brown goodness. Really good retention that eventually became a thin layer on the liquid. Some sticky lacing began while receding that was web like.
Aroma has cherries and other dark fruit. A hit of booze, molasses, roasted malt, and chocolate.
Taste of roasted malt and very bitter chocolate seem to be throughout and into the aftertaste. There is some heat from the alcohol but really subdued. Dark fruits, molasses, and sweet are all part of the flavor party from this beer.
Big mouth feel with medium or better carbonation that is well matched for the beer.
As you drink the beer, the booze almost drips from your nose via your throat. I had more alcohol sensation there than anywhere else in the beer but certain sips seem to bring more of it out. A really good stout that has the long lingering bitterness. Reminds me of Rose from 2.5 Men: always there, never ending. Too much for me. Enjoy!