I decided after yesterday's success with Two Brothers to try another. Also, it is serving as pre-gamer as Rich is coming over for a few tonight!
Out of the bottle the beer pours clear, deep amber in color, little white foam with the same amount of retention and lacing. The aroma is that of sweet malt. A hint of earthiness and caramel are in there also.
Above average amount of carbonation seen in the beer but the bubbles are smaller than "normal" so they don't affect the taste. The flavor continues the sweet malt, apple, and some bitterness due to the hops. The mouthful is medium and on a hot, humid day this beer is refreshing (downed the beer and I am not finished with the write up). If I didn't have to do some serious drinking with Rich tonight, I could see the other two in the fridge finding their way into my gullet rather quickly.
Two Brothers hits another one out of the park with this beer. Grab yourself a sixer, a cool buzz, and a good ball game.